Abigail E. Keller Foundation
The Abigail E. Keller Foundation supports medically fragile and terminally-ill children as well as their families throughout their unique journey and at end-of-life.
Our Vision: The Abigail E. Keller Foundation aspires to design and build the first pediatric respite/hospice facility in Texas.
One Step Closer to Abbey House
We are thrilled to announce that The Abigail E. Keller Foundation is one step closer to providing a much-needed pediatric respite and hospice care center in our area, thanks to funding provided by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation.

The Abigail E. Keller Foundation is a proud to be affiliated with:
Abigail’s Story
Once upon a time there was a princess, Abigail Elizabeth Keller, a little girl with a big name, her birth on July 25, 2007 was one of the happiest days of her parents lives. Her parents like to think that Abigail knew of the journey she would take them on by the smile she had on her face as they rode down the hospital elevator to take her home. Abbey’s smile was the one constant that could be counted on despite her lifelong struggles. One night as she rode in the car with her parents she would get upset and then smile for no reason until Momma realized that it was every time that they left the glow of the overhead street lights, their blind little girl didn’t like the dark! Early on as her Dada held her in his arms, during one of the hospitalizations, they were both covered in vomit but she looked up at him and smiled. Countless were the times when she laughed and played despite being in the hospital, amazing all who saw. Who else, but Abbey, could get discharged straight out of the intensive care unit to go home? And because of her illness her parents met the wonderful doctors and nurses whom without Abbey they would never have known. Abigail educated her parents of the world, that is special needs parenting, and were made better because of it. She spent half her life in the hospital or in clinics. Read more…