Our Story

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We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization that was formed in loving memory of Abigail E. Keller who was a medically complex child that overcame many health obstacles throughout her 11 ½ years including: deaf/blind, epilepsy, immunodeficiency, developmental delays, brittle bones, various blood disorders, liver failure, feeding intolerance, kidney stones, just to name a few. Abigail was seen by various doctors and specialist in Houston and Austin but was never given a single diagnosis but several diagnoses. Since Abbey’s first birthday her family always raised money in lieu of gifts for Dell Children’s Medical Center and the Dell Children’s Comprehensive Care Clinic. The CCC was created to manage the care of medically complex children like Abbey. The family then began to also raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation that grants wishes to terminally ill children, of which Abbey was a recipient in the fall of 2012 when MAW created a school room for Abigail in her home since she was a home bound student due to her immunodeficiency, Abbey could never attend school. Now the Abigail E. Keller Foundation is growing to help other organizations and programs.

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